Thursday, 4 November 2010

Photography at the CWM

Almost three years ago, a few photography friends from South Wales got together and decided to organise an annual photo competition. They set themselves five categories, picked randomly from a hat, with the only rule that the entries had to be taken between that date and judgement day, in this case New Year's Eve 2008. On that day, Simon (one of the photographers) and Lizzie threw a big party at their house situated in the 'Cwm'. Each and every guest voted for their favourite photo in each category, resulting in five category winners and one overall winner.

On 16 October, the third round of 'Photography at the Cwm' took place. The photographers, increased to eight from all around the country, submitted some very high standard of work in the following categories:
  • Hair
  • Sloth
  • Storage
  • Scunthorpe
  • Hot
I won two categories (Hot and Scunthorpe) and came second overall. New categories were picked on the night, but over the next few weeks, I'll show you my entries for this year, starting with HAIR... 

This is David Musrie, who I met on a photography tour in Macclesfield. I loved his look and invited him over for a portrait shoot in my studio front room. This particular image was lit with two speedlights both shot through an umbrella. If you look closely at the highlights, you'll notice that one of the lights is directly above the camera, with the other one directly below.

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